medium-term bond
Смотреть что такое "medium-term bond" в других словарях:
medium-term bond — A bond maturing in two to ten years. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
medium-term bond — /ˌmi:diəm tɜ:m bɒnd/ noun a bond which matures within five to fifteen years … Dictionary of banking and finance
medium term note — (MTN) A bearer negotiable debt security with a maturity of more than one year issued in the international capital markets to Eurobond investors, either as a single issue or as a series of issues under a medium term note programme. MTNs are… … Law dictionary
medium-term note — (MTN) A bearer negotiable debt security with a maturity of more than one year issued in the international capital markets to Eurobond investors, either as a single issue or as a series of issues under a medium term note programme. MTNs are… … Law dictionary
medium-term note program — (MTN program) USA medium term notes are usually issued in connection with a medium term note program, a funding program used by issuers to receive bond debt funding on a regular and continuous basis. Their programs can include more than one… … Law dictionary
medium-term security — ➔ security * * * medium term security UK US noun [C] FINANCE, STOCK MARKET ► a bond, etc. that will be paid back after about five or ten years: »a medium term security of 2 to 10 years »In addition to the US Treasury, federal agencies also issue… … Financial and business terms
Medium Term Note — A Medium Term Note (MTN) is a debt note that usually matures (is paid back) in 5 10 years, but the term may be as short as one year or as long as 50 years. They re normally issued on a floating basis such as Euribor +/ basis points. When they are … Wikipedia
medium-term — intermediate term Denoting a time period of medium duration, the extent of which will differ according to context. For example, in accounting medium term describes liabilities of between one and ten years, in money markets it means maturities of… … Big dictionary of business and management
medium-term note retail — ( MTNR) Medium term note designated for retail investors. For example, at Fannie Mae, it means that the bond is designated for individual investors that is underwritten through a dealer versus issuing through a program, like Investment Notes or… … Financial and business terms
Euro Medium Term Note - EMTN — A flexible medium term debt instrument that is issued and traded outside of Canada and the United States and requires fixed dollar payments. EMTNs are issued directly to the market with maturities of less than five years and are offered… … Investment dictionary
Intermediate/Medium-Term Debt — A type of fixed income security with a maturity, or date of principle repayment, that is set to occur in the next 3 10 years. Bonds and other fixed income products tend to be classified by maturity date, as it is the most important variable in… … Investment dictionary